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"A very unique connection and set of experiences are things I took away from my years with Ms. Sonia and never lost. My respect and gratitude for her have not faltered at all since she was my teacher. The Montessori Method is a unique one, not characterized by typical learning objectives or grades, but which covers a set of priceless lessons and techniques that I’ve been able to apply to pretty much every aspect of my life since I finished the program at age 12. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my academic career, it’s that a class and what you take from it is even more so reliant on the teacher than the material… If you have material you’re disinterested in but an amazing teacher that can light a fire somewhere in it for you, then you can learn endlessly. All that being said, when you have an amazing method, lesson, and teacher… the results are limitless. I know because I witnessed it as her student. For many of us, our friendship has been characterized by personal life guidance sought, invitations to our high school graduations, lunch/dinner dates, and sporadic phone calls. Most of us are even cool with her keeping an eye on us via social media in our college lives. Not every classmate, of course, had the personality to warm or open up to her as much as some of us did, but on the occasions I run into a given student of hers and her name is brought up, they never fail to have that same look in their eye while we reflect on the Montessori days… That unspoken, nostalgic, mutual understanding of the priceless, fulfilling experience we got with her. Among my many amazing academic and personal memories with her is when she aided me in my transition from a small private school to a large public school. The Montessori environment is very intimate and comforting, and that definitely made some of the parents worry whether we would be socially awkward or not able to be successful in mainstream education after being in the Montessori program. I’m not sure the right words exist to describe what I witnessed Ms. Slaven do with my peers and I before we each “fled the [Montessori] nest” over time… the way she got us to open up to her, the way she motivated us when we had zero interest or hope in a certain lesson… She made each of us confident in our unique personalities, whatever they may have been. I strongly believe the years spent in her classroom are the reason I’ve been capable of maintaining such long-term friendships with my peers from Montessori, despite the huge differences in the people we’ve become or the schools and social groups we found ourselves in. Moreover, in middle school, high school, and college, I witnessed students jumping over hurdles to find loopholes and techniques that would help them get a good grade all the time, but not that would necessarily help them learn the material. Ms. Slaven used the lack of grades in the Montessori Method to allow each of us to master the art of gaining what knowledge was required in each lesson without the objective of getting an “A”. When it was time for us to move on to schools that had grading systems, the result of this was that we were focused on the learning part, and the good grade was just a rewarding, happy coincidence of a result. She truly mastered the art of applying warm nurture and structured discipline where and when it’s needed. The relationship she manages to create with each one, extrovert or introvert, boy or girl, is something no child can shy away from when they’ve put in the effort to learn something she’s teaching and see the satisfaction she radiates when they’ve mastered a lesson. She’s so versatile in her care and teaching… she molds lessons in attempts to suit to everyone’s learning styles. Her drive is contagious… she instills work ethic as an instinct in her students. If one is looking for a place where their child can get a great education, a place where they’ll learn a lot, then all I have to tell them is that that is among the least of what Ms. Slaven will have to offer your child… I can honestly say that Ms. Slaven is one of the most passionately driven, genuine, and caring adults I’ve known. Ever since being her student, those are characteristics I value and notice to be vital to a person’s character. Still, I haven’t found anyone who possesses them in quite the way she does. A school taught by her, where she’ll plant her magical seed inside more young minds before they go out into the world, is something I’m extremely happy to see happen… something the world could definitely use. I love you, Ms. Slaven!!”

Trina Nguyen

Former Student

“Mrs. Slaven is the best teacher I have ever known. The love she shows for her students is unparalleled. She always knew I had more to offer a situation then what I thought I could give and expected that from me all the time. She was able to set specific goals for her students while still gaining the most respect for a teacher that I have ever seen. I think it is her pure love for education and helping her students that makes her a phenomenal educator, and would recommend her to any potential families.”

Katie McCormick

Former Student

“Everyone has that one teacher who changes the way they approach academics, and Mrs. Slaven is undoubtedly that teacher for me. When I began in her class in fourth grade, I was intimidated because I had never had a teacher who was strict;little did I know that this strictness and “tough love” would make me respect her and see her as one of the most inspiring adults in my life. I had Mrs. Slaven as my teacher for three years: fourth, fifth, and sixth grade. Before Mrs. Slaven’s class, I was never really cautious of the quality of my work. I always thought that “just getting it done” was good enough, but Mrs. Slaven told me nearly every day for three years to “Always do your best.” She taught me that I should always work my hardest and be proud of every assignment I hand in, and I should always make sure that all of my work is given my best efforts. Since then, I have become an extremely conscientious student, and I have applied her advice to all aspects of my life. During my time in Mrs. Slaven’s class, my overall drive to succeed in school skyrocketed, and she instilled this insatiable thirst for knowledge in me that I still have today as a college student. Her desire to see her students excel and her genuine belief and support in their individual academic pursuits is what drove me to succeed. While I was in her class, I went from a below average and apathetic math student to one of the best and most passionate in my class, and I know this is because Mrs. Slaven pushed me and inspired me to do my best. While Mrs. Slaven is an excellent teacher, she also is an amazing friend and mentor. She is passionate and caring about her students, regarding both their academics and beyond. When she senses that a student is preoccupied with problems outside of the classroom, she always offers to listen and offers her support. While I was her student, Mrs. Slaven helped me through quite a few difficulties I faced as a fourth grader, and I am forever grateful for that. Mrs. Slaven also encourages long-lasting friendships. She provided a welcoming atmosphere to her students, and all of us agreed that we were a family. In fact, I am still in touch with all of my peers. Mrs. Slaven organized tons of unforgettable field trips, including three consecutive overnight trips to the Florida Keys, during which we stayed in rooms at a marine laboratory where we learned about ocean life and snorkeled. My sixth grade year, she organized a field trip to St. Augustine, where we toured many historic buildings and learned about the history of our state. On all of these trips, Mrs. Slaven encouraged that we all spend time together, and she gave me some of the best memories from my childhood. One of the friendships that Mrs. Slaven encouraged the most, however, was the one with her. After graduating from Montessori in 2007, my peers and I met Mrs. Slaven for dinner many times, and we kept in touch throughout middle school and high school.In fact, she and my friends from Montessori attended my high school graduation in 2013. Mrs. Slaven is one of the most incredible people I have ever known. It warms my heart to know that she is offering her talents and gifts in education to more children, and I know that Casa Dei Bambini will change the lives of all who choose to attend.”

Alexandra Benbadis

Former Student

“I had the privilege of having Ms. Slaven as a teacher for my fourth and fifth grade years at a Montessori School. Out of my entire student career, I consider Ms. Slaven to be the most spectacular teacher I’ve had. I can fondly remember many memories from when I was her student. I came to school every morning with a genuine desire to learn from her. Some of the material we covered in her class included solving binomials, pre-algebra, world geography, human history, Spanish skills, basic geometry, human anatomy, and creative writing–all topics from grade levels several years ahead of mine. I assure that Ms. Slaven’s impeccable Montessori methods and materials will prepare any child for their future middle school (and even high school) careers. Apart from enriching my mind with scholarly knowledge, I learned things from Ms. Slaven that few people get to experience from their elementary school teachers. Through the frequent plays and musical performances I participated in, Ms. Slaven taught me how to not be afraid of speaking, and how to perform in front of people–important lessons anyone should learn in life. I also had incredible fun learning all of this. Needless to say, any child will learn immensely like I did while in Ms. Slaven’s class. She is an extraordinary person whom I know will be part of my life forever. I see her as a second mother who I truly love. I sincerely believe that not only should every child get the opportunity to be a student of Ms. Slaven, but also that everyone should get the chance to have Ms. Slaven as a part of their lives. I would definitely recommend to any parents to enroll their children in Ms. Slaven’s school.”

Natalia Fernandez

Former Student

“I was fortunate enough to attend Montessori schools from a very young age, and I remember walking into Ms. Sonia’s classroom as a timid four year old like it was yesterday. She had a way of pushing each one of us just to the edge of our comfort zone until we had mastered each and every new skill, and she earned the entire class’ respect within days. Her sincerely empathetic teaching style is in-tune to individual student’s needs; she knows how to engage even the most precocious students while making sure no one in the class was left behind. She nimbly taught lessons across the board from math to science to Spanish, but more importantly she instilled in her students a sense of compassion, self-worth, and an appreciation for hard work. Ms. Sonia is an outstanding role model for children of all ages; even today I would not hesitate to turn to her for advice. I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without a strong foundation that was given to me by Ms. Sonia and her unique adaptation of the Montessori Method.”

Shea Hughes

Former Student

“My daughter Alexandra had to overcome a recent move and a divorce at the same time, so she had initial difficulties. The Montessori system is particularly dependent on the personality and style of the teacher, and Ms. Slaven provided a perfect blend of work discipline and warmth. This allowed Alexandra to gradually mature and gain self-confidence. Ms. Slaven always went the extra mile, not just with Alexandra but with all students, and basically even worked after hours to foster her students’ success. When Alexandra graduated from Montessori and joined Tampa Prep, we had some concerns about how she would adapt from the Montessori system to a conventional school. The transition was seamless and she rapidly became a straight A student at Tampa Prep. She is now a student at Tufts University in Boston. I can honestly say that, after her parents, Ms. Slaven has been the most influential person in my daughter’s growth and life.”

Selim R. Benbadis


“Sonia Slaven has a dynamic enthusiasm and passion for Montessori education. She exhibits this passion through the world of exploration and education she brings to her students and classroom. She nurtures each child’s character to develop a love of learning that has served our daughter well as she continues her college education. Sonia is the rare teacher who can set the bar for each individual student to excel to the best of their abilities, yet not so high as to become a stumbling block. As our daughter faced recovery from a very difficult surgery during the school year, Sonia held out hope and encouragement to our entire family and especially our daughter that she could and would succeed. Much to our daughters chagrin, Sonia held her to her abilities and enabled her to discover the power of believing in herself, a character trait that served her well through 2 more surgeries. Of so many important elements Sonia brings to a child’s life, love of learning, character and self-discipline, I believe her sense of fun while learning is perhaps the most special. We have many fond memories of amazing field trips, class and presentations, as well as the class newsletter. Oh that every child could have an educational experience like that! If you have an opportunity to enroll your child with Sonia, I highly recommend her. I cannot think of a better gift you could give your child. Get ready for an exciting, fun and rewarding experience! You are more than welcome to contact me personally.”



“Ms. Sonia was so much more than just my Montessori teacher; she was my inspiration, my mentor, my supporter. She believed in every single child that walked into her classroom and made sure they knew how much they were loved. She brought out the best in every student, not just by her teaching ability, but the way she was able to connect with the students. I knew I was always safe with Ms. Sonia and that, without a question, she would do anything for me and for any of the students. When I first met Ms. Sonia twenty years ago, I knew she would be someone that I could always go to, no matter how long it had been, no matter what time of day. She had this warm, welcoming heart that made me feel like I could trust her with anything. I am 24 years old and I’ve had numerous teachers come into my life, but none of them have impacted my life as much as she did and the guidance I had at Montessori. I can truly say Ms. Sonia guided me into the woman I am today. I couldn’t be happier to hear that she will be opening her own Montessori. She deserves it.”

Saya Arakawa

Former Student

“I am so thankful for my experience at Montessori. The Montessori style of teaching has been beneficial to me in so many ways. It encourages learning in a practical manner and also emphasizes personal responsibility, which I have carried with me throughout my educational journey and also into my career. The teachers at Montessori take a genuine interest in their students’ lives and are able to form bonds that make the learning environment one that is safe, comfortable, and productive. I believe my experience growing up going to Montessori schools helped me form a positive relationship with school from a very early age. School was always enjoyable and exciting, and the class always felt like family, thanks to my teachers. In particular, I was fortunate enough to be taught by Sonia Slaven. Miss Sonia truly became invested in my life while I was under her instruction. I credit her with my early love for learning, and am so thankful that she has remained invested in my life over 20 years later.”

Jana Head

Former Student

“Montessori was a wonderful place to grow and learn. The ratio of staff to children ensures that each and every child has all of their needs met. The guided learning is perfect for kids who work a little slower or faster than others. The hands-on and visual learning tools are integral to understanding more complex concepts. As for Ms. Slaven, I always thought that she was the right mix of friend and teacher. She managed to settle our disputes (what little ones we had) and teach us math in one fell swoop. I especially value the focus in math. I was way ahead of all my classmates when I got to 7th grade. As a high school student, I appreciate the time management and self-organization skills that I learned. There have been more than several occasions where I’ve been the only one of my classmates to complete a long-term assignment weeks before it was due. The research projects/ boards that we completed in elementary/middle school have helped prepare me for the even larger research papers in high school. Thank you for everything Ms. Slaven!”


Former Student

“My daughter had Sonia Slaven for 4th through 6th grade. Sonia is one of the best teachers my daughter ever had. She was patient, kind, caring and instilled a love for learning in my daughter that continues to this day. When my daughter struggled with math, Sonia work with her one on one to make sure that my daughter could never say “I’m bad a math.” Although my daughter was naturally a good student, Sonia encouraged her to go beyond her comfort zone by giving her a singing part in a play. My daughter felt very empowered after realizing she could do something well that initially made her so nervous and uncomfortable. This is what great teachers like Sonia do. They see the potential in their students and run with it. Today, my daughter is finishing her sophomore year of high school. Among her many accomplishments she was recently inducted in the National Honor Society. She is looking forward to going to the college of her choice. The time that Sonia spent nurturing and guiding my daughter through her later elementary years served as both a foundation and launching pad for middle school, high school and beyond. All children should be this fortunate.”

J. Lee Cook


“All parents hope that there will be that one teacher that stands out and makes their child want to make the most of his or her individual gifts. Sonia Slaven is it– the ROCK-STAR TEACHER every parent dreams of! She was a galvanizing force in our daughter Zoe’s development. Ms. Slaven excels at delivering the unique and wonderful methods of the Montessori methods. She is all the things you want– demanding yet kind and encouraging, passionate about learning, a great communicator, and able to create a kinetic, exciting environment where children want to learn and grow. She is the teacher your child will want to keep in touch with long after school days are gone.”

Beth Osiason


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10616 Branchton Church Rd

Thonotosassa, FL 33592


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